A Memoir

Brian Kernighan

  1. A Memoir Of A Life Interrupted
  2. A Memoir Of The Craft
  3. A Memoir Title
  4. A Memoir Meaning

Department of Computer Science

A Memoir Of A Life Interrupted

In his memoir On the House, Former Speaker John Boehner dishes on his past colleagues in Congress — with most of the harshest criticism directed at fellow Republicans. This becomes less. Memoir '44 is the official board game of the 60th commemoration of the D-Day landings and the liberation of France.

Unix: A History and a Memoir. Since its creation in a Bell Labs attic in 1969, the Unix operating system has spread far beyond anything its creators could have imagined. It has led to the development of a great deal of innovative software, influenced myriad programmers, and changed the path of computer technology. By Ryan Van Cleave Writing a memoir means you’re author and subject, researcher and storyteller, narrator and audience. That’s a lot to ask of any writer, though a good way to begin the challenge of writing a memoir is to start a list of the most memorable events of your life. 2 days ago  Ai Weiwei’s memoir is set to be released after ten years in the making, Felix art fair in Los Angeles is a go, and more global art news.

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Recent Books

Understanding the Digital World: What You Need to Knowabout Computers, the Internet, Privacy, and Security2nd Edition, March 2021explains how computer hardware, software, networks, and systems work.It includes enough detail that you can understand how these systemswork, no matter what your technical background. The social,political and legal issues that new technology creates are discussed aswell, so you can understand the difficult issues we face and appreciatethe tradeoffs that have to be made to resolve them.

Published by Princeton University Press.Now available at Amazon and otherbooksellers in hardback, paperback and e-book.

Unix: A History and a Memoir.Since its creation in a Bell Labs attic in 1969, the Unix operatingsystem has spread far beyond anything its creators could have imagined.It has led to the development of a great deal of innovative software,influenced myriad programmers, and changed the path of computertechnology.

This book is part history and part memoir. It tells the story ofthe origin of Unix, explaining what Unix is, how it came about, and whyit matters. Accessible to non-speciaists, the book is written foranyone with an interest in computing or the history of inventions.

Published by Kindle Direct Publishing, October 2019. Availableat Amazon inpaperback and e-book formats. Korean translation by 하성창 Sungchang Ha, August 2020. German translation, October 2020. Chinese translation by 韩磊 Han Lei, March 2021.Translations into Japanese, Polish, Russian and other languages are underway.

Millions, Billions, Zillions: Defending Yourselfin a World of Too Many Numbers.With examples drawn from a rich variety of sources, includingjournalism, advertising, and politics, the book demonstrates how numberscan mislead and misrepresent. In chapters covering big numbers, units,dimensions, and more, it lays bare everything from deceptive graphs tospeciously precise numbers, and shows how anyone -- using a few basicideas and lots of shortcuts -- can easily learn to recognize commonmistakes, determine whether numbers are credible, and make their ownsensible estimates when needed. An essential survival guide for a worlddrowning in big -- and often bad -- data.

Published by Princeton University Pressin November, 2018. Available at Amazon.Italian translation by Giuseppe Maugeri.Korean translation by Yang Byeongchan; ISBN 979-11-90030-42-7.Translations into Chinese and Japanese are underway.

Understanding the Digital World: What You Need to Knowabout Computers, the Internet, Privacy, and Securityexplains how computer hardware, software, networks, and systems work.It includes enough detail that you can understand how these systemswork, no matter what your technical background. The social,political and legal issues that new technology creates are discussed aswell, so you can understand the difficult issues we face and appreciatethe tradeoffs that have to be made to resolve them.

Published by Princeton University Press.Now available at Amazon and otherbooksellers in both hardback and e-book form. Korean translation (August 2017, translated by 하성창 Sungchang Ha); Chinese translation (March 2018, translated by 刘艺 刘哲雨 吴英 译); Italian translation Fabrizio d'Amore and Monica Manzoni; Japanese translation (Februrary 2020, translated by 酒匂寛).

The Go Programming Language,by Alan Donovan and Brian Kernighan.Book web site www.gopl.io.Available in paperback and e-book formats. Japanese, Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), Russian, Korean, Portuguese and Polish translations are now available;


    • Book home pages
      • The C Programming LanguageOriginal site, now seriously outdated
    • Daily Princetonian columns.Also available as a Kindle ebook.

    Parallel Universe

    • Bell Labs Research in 1995: (10 MB in 4 images) 1234

    A Memoir Of The Craft

    Sun Apr 18 08:55:25 EDT 2021

    A Memoir Title

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    A Memoir Meaning

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